Vertigo/dizziness is one of the most common reasons that people seek medical attention from physicians. According to recent studies, 35.4% of Americans over 40 years of age (69 million) have experienced some form of vestibular dysfunction (Agrawal et al, 2009) and 65% of people over the age of 60 years experience dizziness or loss of balance, often on a daily basis (Hobeika, 1999). A lot of the time, not only do these conditions go misdiagnosed but tests that are often time consuming and expensive (MRI, etc) are often performed which yield minor contribution to diagnosis and treatment. In fact, according to Kerber (2012), only 11% of all providers used the dix-hall pike test. Not only can vestibular rehabilitation often accurately diagnose these conditions, it can also successfully and safely treat them.
Vestibular rehab is a specialized type of rehab/therapy specific to helping people that are experiencing some form of dizziness. It primarily utilizes repositioning maneuvers and exercises to help reduce symptoms related to vertigo/dizziness, gaze instability and/or imbalance and falls. According to a Cochrane review published in 2015, “There is moderate to strong evidence that vestibular rehabilitation is a safe, effective management for unilateral peripheral vestibular dysfunction, based on a number of high-quality randomized controlled trials.” (McDonnell, 2015).
- Assessment of dizziness and vertigo disorders
- Treatment programs for dizziness and compromised balance
- Treatment for BPPV (positional vertigo)
The tests/techniques are designed to provoke your symptoms so you may experience an increase in your symptoms following your appointment. Most people are able to leave their appointment as they normally would but if you generally feel like you need assistance when your symptoms are provoked, it may be best to have someone come with you.
Please arrive 10-15 minutes prior to the start of your appointment to complete the intake forms.
If you have extended health benefits, you are able to bill for this type of service based on the provider that you see (I.e. if you have physiotherapy coverage, you will be able to bill under physiotherapy).
Athlete's Care Yonge & Eglinton - 2401 Yonge Street, LL01
Athlete's Care King & Yonge - 11 King Street West, C120
Athlete's Care Yorkville - 162 Cumberland Street, Suite 222
Athlete's Care Markham - 72 Copper Creek Drive, Unit 101A
Athlete's Care Ottawa Bank - 1596 Bank Street
Agrawal, Y., Carey, J.P., Della, Santina, C.C., Schubert, M.C., & Minor, L.B. (2009). Disorders of balance and vestibular function in US adults.Arch Intern Med, 169(10), 938-944
Hobeika, CP (1999). Equilibrium and Balance in the Elderly. Ear Nose Throat J, Aug;78(8):58-62,565-6.
Kerber, K.A., Burke, J.F., Skolarus, L.E., Meurer, W.J., Callaghan, B.C., Brown, D.L., Lisabeth, L.D., McLaughlin, T.J., Fendrick, A.M. & Morgenstern, L.B. (2012). Use of BPPV processes in Emergency Department Dizziness Presentations: A Population-Based Study. Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, 148(3), 425-430.
McDonnell MN, Hillier SL. Vestibular rehabilitation for unilateral peripheral vestibular dysfunction. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2015, Issue 1. Art. No.: CD005397. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD005397.pub4
Vestibular Disorder Association