RMT Michelle Macutay shares tips on how to get the most from your next massge therapy treamtent. 

Client feedback such as “My last massage wasn’t what I was expecting” and “I wasn’t happy with my last Massage Therapist", can usually be avoided with better communication between client and therapist. Did you know that you, the client, have control over how your massage treatment goes?

One of the Standards of Practice mandatory for ALL Massage Therapists is “Client-Centred Care” which means that our role is to “provide Massage Therapy that is focused on the best interests and unique needs, views, preferences and concerns of each individual client ensuring the client is actively involved in decision-making regarding their care” (CMTO, 2024).

Here are some tips to ensure that you are more satisfied with your Massage Therapy treatments:

Before your RMT leaves the room, make sure you two discuss:

  •        Your main area of concern (where your pain/discomfort is located)
  •        Which areas of your body that you want to be massaged (ex: you don’t want the full body, but just the back)
  •        Which areas of your body that you DO NOT want to be massaged (ex: you have ticklish feet)
  •        If you give permission to have sensitive areas massaged (ex: the buttocks)
  •        The type of pressure you prefer (ex: firm pressure)

While you are receiving your Massage Therapy treatment, you can still tell your RMT:

  •        You are too warm
  •        You are cold (your RMT may have a blanket or heating pad available)
  •        If the music is not to your preference
  •        You want to modify what you discussed about the treatment earlier (ex: you change your mind and want a full-body massage instead)
  •        You want to change the pressure (ex: the RMT’s pressure is firmer or lighter than you thought it would be)
  •        You want to change positions (ex: being on your stomach feels uncomfortable)

This is a limited list of tips on what to discuss with your RMT before and during your massage. Remember, you have a say on how you receive your Massage Therapy treatments. Your RMT cannot read your mind but they are obligated to listen to your thoughts and concerns to ensure your treatment plan is right for you.

Keep in mind that each RMT has limitations such as not being able to provide pressure as deep as you prefer or not being trained in techniques you may want included in your treatment. We also may advise you if your request may cause further harm to you or if it is not appropriate.

However, I still encourage you to speak up and don’t be shy! We're here to help you!

Tips are provided by RMT Michelle Macutay. Michelle has a strong passion for people's physical and mental well-being which is why she has been a Registered Massage Therapist since 2005. She has successfully created treatment plans for individuals whose goals were to reduce physical pain or to improve their mental health.  Her experience ranges from helping athletes with recovery in order to maximize performance, to collaborating with other regulated healthcare professionals to deliver safe and effective treatments, to working at high-end spas giving evidence-based treatments while in an ambience that prioritizes decompression and tranquility.

Click here to learn more about Michelle Macutay or to book an appointment with her at Athlete's Care Oakville Sourth or Athlete's Care Mississauga.