Put the Thaw on Frozen Shoulder

By Athlete's Care on July 03, 2020

Registered Physiotherapist, Rebecca Chambers, has taken scientific data as well as her own personal experience to provide tips, tricks and exercise programs to help guide your recovery and minimize shoulder pain.

Frozen Shoulder Physiotherapist

What is Frozen Shoulder?

3 Things are Necessary for a Diagnosis of Frozen Shoulder:

  1. Persistent and Pervasive Pain: Pain is constant, worsens at night and with movement, and present for more than 3 weeks.
  2. Severe Limit in External Rotation: External rotation is limited by at least 50% or is less than 30 degrees
  3. Moderate Limit in at least 2 Other Directions: Abduction and Flexion are easiest to assess. 

Who Gets Frozen Shoulder?

  • Frozen Shoulder can either be Primary or Secondary
  • Primary Frozen Shoulder is idiopathic or of unknown origin
  • Secondary Frozen Shoulder comes as a result of another injury such as a fracture, surgery or a rotator cuff tear
  • Frozen Shoulder is more common in women aged 40-65
  • Frozen Shoulder is more common and can be more severe in individuals with diabetes or thyroid issues

Frozen Shoulder is Divided into 4 Stages

Once you have determined you have frozen shoulder, it is important to know one’s current stage in this condition in order to decide the best course of treatment.  You can then access information, tips and exercises that are geared toward that stage. Movement can optimise how quickly you move through these stages. Be smart, but keep moving!

For more information visit frozenshoudlerphysio.ca


Frozen Shoulder Self-help Workshop: Click to watch Recording.

Book an appointment with Rebecca, either in-person or virutally, and she will help you determine what stage you're in, provide recommendations to help thaw your frozen shoulder and get you moving again.

Click here to request your appointment.